Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Cookies

 Pictures by Chef In Training

 Cinnamon Roll Cookies

I am kind of feeling a little bit like the Cookie Monster tonight. I could devour these cookies in seconds! I would have to add some raisins to the mix though. I can't have Cinnamon Rolls without the raisins! Oh they look amazing. Delicious cookies and beautiful presentation always make me happy. I am thinking how wonderful these would be in the morning for Breakfast.

I found this recipe on Chef In Training. I will be making these Saturday morning, no work and lots of time to bake. Who's with me? Bake with me and come back and let us know how you liked the recipe and if you made any changes. I would love to hear your comments.

Click HERE for the Recipe

Cinnamon Roll Cookies!  These are insanely DELICIOUS! Hands down, one of my favorite cookies! #cookie #recipe

 Enjoy these delicious cookies and I would love to hear your comments. Thanks for all your support. 

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I just went by and pinned this recipe! Thanks for sharing!

    Blue Eyed Beauty Blog

  2. Love these cookies! I actually made about 11 dozen (2inch round baked) cookies (cut 1cm thick) in one night but it was fun and was cleaner than dropping cookie batter all night. I iced some of them the next day. Next time I "shape the disc" I would shape it into a rectangle so it's easier to cut in thirds and roll out. And double the icing on the cookie zigzagging one way then the other for great cookie:icing ratio. These are just delicious!!


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