Monday, June 11, 2012

Mushroom Gravy with Steak and Potatoes


Mushroom Gravy with Steak and Potatoes
Tonight was one of those nights where I just wanted to create something with the items I had on hand. I looked in the fridge and saw a package of mushrooms I needed to use. Then I looked in the freezer and saw that I had two small steaks that were left over from a big package. Not enough to feed to whole family but just enough for what I had in mind. I also had a big bag a Idaho potatoes. Potatoes are so cheap and so filling. Hmmmm something was brewing in my mind......I grabbed some butter and started my creation. 


2 small steaks sliced (seasoned)
4 potatoes baked or microwaved
1 package of mushroom (sliced)
1 stick of butter
1 can of beef broth
3-4 T. of flour

Clean the potatoes and poke some holes in them and microwave for about 10 minutes. Check them at about 9 to be safe. Melt 3 Tablespoons of butter and saute the mushrooms. Once those are done add a can of beef broth with 1/2 teaspoon salt to the mushrooms and let them simmer together while you cut up the meat. Slice the meat, season it and cooked it in a skillet until done to your liking and browned.
Melt a half of a stick of butter and add flour to make it thick (about 4 tablespoons maybe more). Add 1 Tablespoon at a time to the beef broth and mushrooms until desired thickness. Cut the potato long ways and add some butter if you want. I would if I was serving it on the side. Top with steak and mushroom gravy. 
It was delicious! You could change this up so many ways, be creative and share! 
This was something different, hearty and filling! Just what I was looking for. I really enjoyed the gravy and will be using it again for some other creations. 


Hope you enjoyed the recipe. 

Thanks for stopping by!

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