Friday, January 4, 2013

Crab Dip

Picture by The Crockin Girls

Crab Dip

It seriously has to be the coldest place on earth here in Wyoming. It hurts to breathe when you go outside and your nose hairs instantly freeze. I have never experienced this kind of cold. Brrrr. -22 outside in the morning on the way to work is quite enough for me.  I wish it would snow so we could get some warmer weather. Hopefully you are warmer than we are.

It is Friday and that makes me happy because I get to cook on the weekends for fun. I ran across this delicious Crab Dip on The Crockin Girls.

I can't resist a good Dip. Dip is one of my greatest weakness. I have lots of great dip recipes but I don't have a Crab Dip until now and I will be making this tomorrow for a snack.  

I would love to hear your comments if you make this so please let me know and come talk with us on Facebook!

Stay warm!

Check back tomorrow (if I haven't frozen). 

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Stay warm, Dori! It feels like winter lasts FOREVER in WY and CO but spring will come.............eventually. This looks great. I'm going to have to put it on my to-do list for Daytona!! Yayy :)

  2. I hear that it is going to be a long Spring with snow in the Spring. The Farmers Almanac has been spot on so far.

  3. Mmm, sweet warm crab dip and salty triscuits! Can't wait to give this one a try!

  4. Jack and I just finished making this and are getting all prepped for the season opener of Downton Abbey tonight. This dip is dee-lish! We bought Wheat Thins and Rosemary/Olive Oil Triscuits. Perfect. My question is this, the picture shows something with a reddish hue and mine is all white. I'm wondering if they added something as a garnish with the parsley flakes? It's a terrific recipe but I'm curious if anyone else is curious, too? Thanks, Dori, for this keeper! Stay warm!!


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