Friday, January 25, 2013

Reeses Peanut Butter Cookies

Picture by I Heart Nap Time

Reeses Peanut Butter Cookies

I enjoyed another day at home today, organizing, cleaning and pretty much haven't made a dent in things. It's OK because I am happy to be home, happy to be blogging and happy to be with my family. 

My girls were laughing in their room with the door closed and then came out looking like this.....I am grateful for washable markers. These two girls couldn't be more different, their personalities are completely opposite, they can fight like the best but they are best of friends. 

I found these delicious cookies that have Reeses Peanut Butter Hearts on them but can be used with regular small Reeses or even chocolate kisses. I think I will do Hershey's Chocolate Kisses on mine. I have made something similar to this before and the kids love them. I thought it was a cute idea for Valentines Day to do the hearts so I wanted to share it with you.

I found this recipe on I Heart Nap Time.  LOVE her site. 

Click HERE for the Recipe.

Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY for the Aroma Rice Cooker and Food Steamer. 

Click HERE for Information.

Thanks for stopping by!


1 comment:

  1. I just started reading your blog. I found a recipe on Pinterest someone had posted. Breakfast stuffed biscuits. My husband and I loved them!! So I spent about 2 hours looking through your posts and have saved almost 20 recipes to try! With a 4 month old baby, thinking of dinner ideas is at the bottom of my list. It's an inspiration to hear your story and see you are still looking up and being positive. May God always provide your needs :)


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