Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Simple Broccoli and Cheese Soup

Pictures by Simply Scratch

Simple Broccoli and Cheese Soup

Soup warms the soul. It just does. It brings a comfort on a cold day that warms your body with each bite. We have needed warm comfort food here in Wyoming with its wicked cold winter. We have been blessed with some warmer weather this week and I am going to enjoy every minute of it. I have a whole new respect for Mother Nature. 

I have favorites when it comes to soups and Broccoli and Cheese is one of them. I have never made it from scratch before but I have been on the look out for a good recipe. I have come across several but they were either to easy with not enough flavor or way to complicated with to many ingredients and steps. This recipe I found on Simply Scratch is right in the middle. Perfect ingredients that would use and not to many steps. Easy enough to make for any level of cook.  Serve with some warm bread and butter. I don't think you can ever make too much soup.

Click HERE for the Recipe.

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