Saturday, March 16, 2013

Jeddy's Blend - Essential Oils for ADHD and other Behavioral and Mental Disorders

Jeddy's Blend

Hope for children with severe ADHD and other behavioral and mental disorders.

This is my boy. He is energetic, funny, happy and full of life. He has a heart of gold and has a love like I have never seen. This is Jed (aka Jeddy). Jed suffers from severe ADHD and struggles with it everyday. His has it pretty severe and he bursts out in screams of joy, fun, craziness all the time to release some of that energy.  Even as a little kid he was all over the place, he couldn't sit still, couldn't stop moving at any time, when he was sitting he would rock back and forth. When he went to school of course we started to get the calls.

 It is hard for a parent but I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to try and be still for a full day of class. The principle called us in when he was in 1st grade they actually made him sign a legal paper because he was so disruptive in class.  I was furious and he was devastated. She told us that we needed to get our son to the doctor and get him on medication and that there were lots of kids that were on it.  I knew at that point the something else needed to be done. 

I had been dabbling with Essential Oils for a while and believed that they could to wonderful things but never imagined it could help Jeddy with his challenges day to day. I was wrong. Once I got comfortable enough with the oils I decided that I was going to make a blend just for Jeddy. I did some research and I knew that he needed the big guns with the Essential Oils and that is when I came up with Jeddy's Blend.

 I told Jed that I had made a blend for him (he was used to the oils with everything else). I put it on him the first morning and told him to tell me how he felt when he got home from school and if it helped him. That night for the first time ever he came to me and asked for "that oil" because it made him feel better at school. I was shocked. He had never asked me for oils before. After one week it was time for Parent/Teacher Conference. Jed's teacher told us that he was normally all over the place and hard to settle down but the last week he was a different kid. We then told her about the oils and she was amazed. She has seen such a difference in him and we got permission to bring the blend to school so he could use it whenever he needed it. So far, it has been enough to just use it morning and night. They said as long as it is "all natural" he can bring it. 

This is all natural and I am so excited for him to get to do this. It is my mission to get the word out to these schools to try and help these children that so desperately need it. It is my hope that we can spread the word about Essential Oils to the world and help the many children and adults who need this natural alternative, a freedom they haven't experience and a new happy way of life. 

There are other blends out there that have worked but haven't worked for such a severe case as Jeddy's. I know this isn't a cure all but it has helped him so much, he is thriving in school. his reading is amazing and the best thing is that he knows it works and is willing to ask for it. I want my son and others out there dealing with this day to day to know that there is hope and a natural alternative to finding a better and happier place. 

I am offering a chance for you to try Jeddy's blend. 

1/6 oz. glass roller bottle $28.00
1/3 oz. glass roller bottle $58.00

(price includes shipping within the US - additional charge outside of US)

How to apply

Roll onto feet liberally every morning and night. I apply to his feet before he puts his socks on for school where it can't be smelled by the other students. I apply it again when he gets home from school. I also diffuse Lavender in his room at night. 

How to purchase

Please send me an email at with any questions that you have and to place your order.  Payment accepted through Paypal only. This is a non-refundable offer. To pay with Paypal simply go to paypal and click on send money. Send it to email address and fill out the rest of the information. Once I receive your payment I will send your package. If you don't have Paypal it is very easy to create an account.

For more information on how to purchase these oil click HERE

I love this boy with all my heart and as a parent with a child who has suffered from this disorder I am truly grateful for the help that Essential Oils has given to my family. I am blessed to have found an alternative to modern medicine and hope that by sharing this with you that you will be able to benefit from them as well . Please share with others who may need this information. Thank you for all your support. 



Monday, March 11, 2013

Three Cheese Chicken Alfredo Bake

Pictures from Life as a Lofthouse

Three Cheese Chicken Alfredo Bake

I love the ingredients in this delicious Chicken Alfredo Bake.  I have one daughter who could eat noodles with Alfredo Sauce every day of her life and be happy. I try to make a variation of this as much as I can. She is so picky but she can eat the heck out of noodles. 

I ran across this recipe on Life as a Lofthouse. I love the little bit of change she made by adding the ricotta cheese. This is a quick and easy recipe that the whole family will love. 

Serve with some Simple Roasted Garlic Bread and a nice side salad. Enjoy!

Click HERE for the Recipe

Thanks for stopping by!


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Korean Chicken with Rice, Roasted Onion and Peppers

Korean Chicken with Rice, Roasted 
Onion  and  Peppers

The recipe for the marinade in this recipe was given to many many years ago by a dear friend. She is Korean and gave me some delicious recipes and this was one of them. One of these days I will share her Pot Stickers and General Tao's recipe with you. I love Korean and Chinese food and I love making it myself even more. 

There is so much flavor packed in this marinade and with the peppers, onions and rice it all came together.  This is a great meal that can feed lots of people. The kids and husband loved it and tomorrow we will be having Fried Rice with the left over white rice. The key to fried rice is using day old cold rice. 


Large pack of boneless chicken thighs


1 cup of soy sauce
3 t. of minced garlic
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of sugar
2 teaspoon of dried green onion flakes
salt and pepper to taste


Trim the fat from the chicken (the picture below is before I trimmed the fat). In a pot or large bowl mix together the soy sauce, minced garlic, water, sugar, onion and salt and pepper. Marinate all day in the fridge. The longer the better. I cooked mine on my George Foreman Grill.  You could also bake these. I served with white rice, roasted peppers and onions that I had frozen. Delicious! I used some of the marinade in the onions and peppers when I cooked them with a little olive oil. 

Thanks for stopping by!


Spa Vapor Diffuser GIVEAWAY!

for Essential Oils

To enter leave a comment as to why you want a Diffuser in your home. Go to my facebook page and like it and share the link. That's it!

Entries will be taken until March 14th until 11:59pm MST.  GOOD LUCK!

For more information on Essential Oils click HERE.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chicken Avocado with Bacon Cilantro and Garlic Dressing

Chicken Avocado with Bacon, Cilantro and Garlic Dressing

I haven't done a chicken recipe for a while so I wanted to post something different than the normal chicken meals. This recipe turned out amazing. The flavors of the bacon, cilantro and garlic dressing with the avocado and chicken all come together for one delicious meal. My only regret is not making a bigger batch of the dressing so I would have had some left over for today. I served it with a side salad with ranch dressing which added even more flavor. 

Cooking the Chicken

I love seasoning and cooking chicken breasts in the skillet. I use fresh chicken breasts and they are usually pretty thick so I cut them in half long ways. I pour olive oil on them so they are coated and season well with my favorite seasonings, (Lawry's, garlic salt, onion powder, salt, pepper and some dried parsley flakes). I let them marinate for a while if I have the time. Cook on medium to high heat and don't turn chicken until nice and brown on both side and cooked through. 


Desired amount of chicken breasts
8 slices of bacon cooked crispy enough to crumble
6 garlic cloves minced
1/2 cup of water
4 T. of the bacon grease
4 T. of fresh lime juice
4 T of chopped cilantro
3 t. of Truvia for Keto or Sugar
kosher salt and pepper to taste


Cook your chicken breasts. Cook your bacon until done well enough to crumble when cooled. KEEP THE BACON GREASE. Don't pour that precious stuff out ever! I keep some in a container. Heat your skillet and add 4-5 T of the bacon grease over medium heat. Add garlic, water, lime juice and sugar and simmer for 1 minute. Add the cilantro, season with salt and pepper, add the crumbled bacon and like to let it simmer on low for about 10 minutes. 

 Slice your avocado and place on top of chicken and serve dressing on top. Enjoy!

Dressing recipe adapted from Living Eventfully

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Pork Taquitos - voted family #1 favorite meal

Pork Taquitos

This is the best recipe. Yesterday when I made it my family voted it as my Best Blog Recipe Ever! Woo Hoo!  For a mother that is the greatest compliment. I have made hundreds of recipes and this is now the family favorite. It is a mighty good meal and fed us for dinner and lunch the next day. Pork tenderloin makes a ton of meat and I love how many people it can feed. 

There are two key ingredients to this recipe. One is the cheese and the other is the seasoning. A friend of mine had told me about a great seasoning she has found at the local Hispanic Market. The picture is below and it is Carne Asada seasoning, it was so perfect for this. Very good and I highly recommend it. The next thing is the cheese. I got the cheese in the refrigerated section at the grocery store where the Hispanic items are called Quesadilla cheese. This is that wonderful cheese you taste in the Mexican Restaurants. These two items make it taste amazing. 

(This recipe is made exactly as my other one but the only difference is I covered the top with with lots of the Carne Asada seasoning in addition to the regular seasoning)


Pork Tenderloin recipe (save the juice)
Carne Asada seasoning 
Larger corn tortillas
Oil for tortillas
Quesadilla Mexican Cheese

Guacamole (optional see below)


Cook your Pork as directed and shred. I like to shred a mixture of more dark meat and then some light meat. The dark meat is more tender. Add a little bit of the juice from the tenderloin to the shredded meat just so it isn't dry and sprinkle some carne asada seasoning to the top and mix (see picture).  In a small skillet heat up about 1 cup of oil. You can add more if you are making more. When it is nice and hot add a tortilla in and cook until not crisp because you want to be able to roll it. Put in on a paper towel and using another paper towel push down to get off excess oil. Set aside and continue until desired about of tortillas have been made. 

Put a little bit of meat towards the end of the tortilla with some cheese on top and roll as tight as you can. Stick a tooth pick in it and put in a glass dish. Continue until all tortillas are rolled. When they are tight in a dish you can take out the toothpicks before baking. 

Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes or until the edges are golden brown. Serve with some Guacamole.


Desired amounts of:

3 avocados
chopped red onion
chopped roma tomatoes
1/2 tea garlic salt
salt and pepper
juice from 1/2 of a lime
chopped cilantro (optional)

Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, March 1, 2013

Italian Artichoke Chicken

Pictures by Aaron and Jill W. 

Italian Artichoke Chicken

I have had the best couple of days. I got to spend time at the zoo with my daughters, son in law and grand babies. What a great blessing that was. They were so excited and had a wonderful time.  Here are a few pictures from our day. I would love more than anything to walk through the zoo after hours when no one is there and see how the animals react. 


I found this blog on Aaron and Jill W. This is such a cute blog, it is about a southern girl who married a professional baseball player. I thought this recipe looked wonderful. I plan on making this next week in my weekly recipes. This looks really good and easy to make. 

I am a huge fan of artichokes and this recipe just blends together. 

Click HERE for the Recipe. 


Thanks for stopping by!
