Thursday, May 3, 2012

Mini Post - Homemade Maui Onion Dip

Homemade Maui Onion Dip

Bless the creator at The Cutting Edge of Ordinary for this little amazing recipe. How could I have not known of its existence? I am a salt and butter person, I like the sweets occasionally but chips and dip are my WEAKNESS!!!. I have always used French Onion Soup packets for onion dip. NO MORE! This just looks divine and I can't wait to get to the store tomorrow to buy sweet onions! 

I should be going to bed but I know that I would just toss and turn because I should have posted about the Maui Onion Dip. So here is my mini post to share with you a new way to make your own homemade Onion Dip and get rid of the packet!

There, I got it off my chest and now I can sleep. 

Click HERE for the recipe.

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Love onion dip, and this looks so good. Just pinned it, will be making soon! Thanks!!!


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