Thursday, May 31, 2012

"That Salad" by Marianne Warner

"That Salad" and Spinach Wraps

Have you ever been to a gathering and had a really good salad someone brought and thought you should get the recipe and then forget to ask? Then it comes time where you have been asked to bring a salad and you remembered that great dish so you ask that person if you could have the recipe for "That Salad" they made?
Well that is how this salad got its name. 

My dear sister in law Marianne passed away several years ago, she is an amazing woman who could throw a party like no one else and ALWAYS made the most amazing food! Everyone would ask her about "That Salad" that she made and so the name stuck. It is so amazingly good. She is legendary for her recipes and especially her "Orange Rolls" and "Butter Cake".

 I miss her dearly, she used to always tell me "I'm your biggest fan".  She had the greatest laugh in the whole world. That always made me smile. I know she is up in heaven somewhere in charge of throwing all the parties because she is amazing. She loved her life and lived it well. 

Marianne's daughter Katherine made a wonderful recipe book with some of Marianne's best recipes and family pictures then gave it to her Dad for Christmas after she had passed. 

So with her daughters permission I am going to share "That Salad" with you today. 

This recipe book can be purchased with her at

I have taken this oh so delicious recipe and used it to wrap inside flour tortillas which makes an AWESOME spinach salad wrap as well as a salad dish.  I have never eaten it that way but the thought came to me and I loved it. I decided to take a picture of the recipe straight out of the book, it just seemed right that way. If you do share this recipe please keep the name "That Salad" out of respect for Marianne and credit the book with a link. Thank you!

Marianne is a wonderful mother, wife, sister, grandmother and friend and we all miss her dearly. Love you Marianne.

Thank you so much for letting me share this with you. I hope you enjoy her wonderful salad and if you get the book many more....

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Sounds delicious! Have you ever tried WITHOUT the cottage cheese? Just wondering if it could be left out or if you think it is needed.

  2. Oh Boy!! This looks so good and different. I will be making this soon, but will have to sprinkle the cottage cheese on mine after making. The cottage cheese sounds so good. Thanks to you and your niece for sharing. Your sister-in-law sounds as if she was a special person and her daughter is following in her footsteps.

  3. what is in the bag next to the bag of bacon and the bag of cheese ?

    1. Looks like chopped mushrooms...maybe!?

  4. It is chopped up mushrooms. Thanks!

  5. Marianne was truly great cook! She was a familiar sight bustling about her kitchen making food when company came. Not only was she a great cook, she was a great person that did a miriad of things for others, like supervising me making Rebecca's wedding dress. I still can't believe I did it! I know she is supervising many things in heaven and is waiting for all of us to come and help.

  6. What a beautiful tribute to your SIL! She sounds just like my kind of gal.


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