Welcome to Riches to Rags by Dori. This is a place where I share a little bit of everything. My experiences, the good the bad and the ugly. Life isn't easy but worth living and my hope is that we can get through it together.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
The Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon Essential Oil is one of my very favorite oils. Everyone should have this oil because there are so many great things you can do with it and it is pure with no chemicals like the products that can be bought in the store. I drink 2 drops in my bottled water. Gives it a nice fresh taste and great for the body.
Clean with Lemon Essential Oil and you will love the way it smells. I made a list below to show you some ways you can use this great oil.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Spark Naturals RELIEF Headache Blend
Spark Naturals RELIEF Headache Blend
Most of us get a headache at one time or another. They are a real pain in the neck to deal with. Literally!
Since I am a blogger and spend lots of time on the computer I get lots of tension headaches. It used to be common for me to pop a couple of pills to take the headaches away. Now I go for the more natural approach by using Essential Oils for everything! So many people struggle with this daily and if you are anything like me we simply just don't have time for a headache!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Essential Oils for Depression
Depression and Essential Oils
When something works for our family I feel that it is important to share it with the rest of you even if it is something simple. When it comes to Depression any help is good.
Depression is real, it is hard for those who have to deal with it and hard for those who live with someone who does. I did a post recently on Anxiety and these two usually go hand in hand.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Stop Anxiety Attacks Naturally
Stop Anxiety Attack Naturally
Nothing is worse to the person who is going through an Anxiety Attack. If you haven't had to experience one you are extremely lucky. I know because I have been dealing with them since 1998. When they first started I didn't know what it was and the doctors couldn't figure it out. We were overseas and it was the worst time of my life. It wasn't until we got back to the states that a doctor figured out that I having having Anxiety Attacks. I had no idea!
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Surviving Allergy Season Naturally
Surviving Allergy Season Naturally
It's that time of year again and I know I am not the only one suffering from Allergies. I honestly have one of the loudest sneezes known to man. I startle everyone around me and there is no warning about three or four times. I inherited this from my Dad and once this starts then come the itchy eyes, the stuffy and runny nose, itchy face, sore eyes, red eyes and more......Blah!
This is a miserable way to live with all the beauty that surrounds us right now.
When these little guys start flying I am done! I have to put myself in a bubble and stay inside. Miserable!
Benefits of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint
This spiffy little tin comes with Spark Naturals Essential Oils Four Pack. This tin comes with a 5ml bottle of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint plus Melaleuca. I take the Melaleuca out and save it for when I need to make "The Bomb" (a must have for when you get sick) then replace it with empty capsules and a dropper. I keep this with me in my purse for whenever the allergies decide to strike. Life saving!
When symptoms start I grab an empty capsule (size "0" and using the dropper I add 3 drops of all three oils into the capsule and drink with water. It's natural, I don't get tired and I am getting the benefit for many other things. I have it right with me when I need it.
Where can you purchase Certified Pure PharmaGrade Essential Oils? I highly recommend Spark Naturals. Not a MLM Company and is affordable! They offer 5ml and 15ml bottles along with the great Essential Oil Four Pack. There is no need to pay high prices for Essential Oils when there is an affordable option.
Use the code JEDDY and get an additional 10% off.
Treat yourself to this pack. This are great oils to start your Essential Oil journey.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Geranium Essential Oil - Oil of The Month
Geranium Essential Oil - Oil of the Month
Most of you know that I am a huge lover of Essential Oils. I have found a new company called Spark Naturals that I have been sharing with you. Their oils continue to impress me daily and the prices can't be beat. It makes so much sense, they can drop their prices because they aren't an MLM company and don't have to charge high prices to pay the down lines. These are high quality Certified Pure PharmaGrade Essential Oils.
The other wonderful thing about Spark Naturals is that they have a Oil of the Month Club. All you do is sign up and every month you will get whatever the oil of the month is for only $15.99! This includes shipping AND it is a 15ml bottle. This is the month you will want to do this because the oil is GERANIUM. Geranium is an AMAZING oil. This is one oil you want to have on hand.
Using Essential Oils has become a daily routine in our home. We have saved so much money by not having to go to the doctor and of course the miracle of Jeddy's Blend for our son with ADHD. You don't have to buy all the oils at once, just start slow and learn a little each time. You will not be sorry!
Painful Monthly Cramps
2-3 drops of Geranium
2-3 drops of Cypress - use as often as needed
Nursing Moms - 2 drops of Geranium in empty capsule to increase milk supply
Endo Ovulation Pain - Geranium, Clary Sage, Cypress. Layer on lower abdomen
Anxiety - Put on wrists. Diffuse Geranium with Peppermint
Post Surgical Nerve Damage - 1 drop Geranium - 3 to 4 times a day on area.
Stop Nose Bleeds - Simply apply 2 - 3 drops to the nostril that is bleeding. This may be applied external or internal using a Q-tip or tissue saturated with the Helichrysum.
Post Surgical Nerve Damage - 1 drop of Geranium 3 to 4 times a day.
1 drop bring down Blood Sugar
Tendinitis - Layer Geranium and Basil on affected area
Apply a drop to your moisturizer
When you place a Spark Naturals order use the code JEDDY and get an additional 10% off your entire order! (Cannot be used on the oil of the month).
Visit Spark Naturals Facebook Page and learn more about how to use the oils. Tell them Riches to Rags sent you!
Thanks for stopping by!
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