
Welcome to Riches to Rags by Dori. This is a place where I share a little bit of everything. My experiences, the good the bad and the ugly. Life isn't easy but worth living and my hope is that we can get through it together.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Thrift Store Frame Decorating Ideas


Everyone knows that I absolutely love jars but there is something that I love as equally as much. FRAMES! I have been collecting frames from the Thrift Store but I don't know what to do with them! These pictures below are a few of the ones that I have collected that I wanted to do something with. 

There are SO MANY FRAMES that you can get at the Thrift Store. They are really cheap and you can get some really unique ones. Like I said these are just a few of what I have been collection. I have found some great ideas and picked out a few of my favorites. I tried to only pick a few but there were soooo many! Now you know this first one has to be my favorite because of the Mason jars. I am going to do this with one of my window frames. 

This first picture is complete therapy for me and the longer I look at it the better I feel so I figure if I do one that is in my house I can see it everyday!  I WILL be making this in the next couple of days. I need this to help with those winter blues.  Just look at all these great ideas.....

Oh how this one makes me happy.

                      Such a refreshing look!

Great Idea for Valentines

                                                                                          I think I would do less pink, but I love the idea.              

I just love this!

This is just so cute. 

Tip: If you know someone who is a house Framer ask them if they would put aside trash wood for you for special crafts. Home Depot also has a bin that has scrap wood for really cheap.

                SOURCE                                                                                              SOURCE

This tutorial looks like a lot more work than I want to do so I would probably use baby jars and magnets. Great idea though, I just run out of patience fast. 

I really love the layout of this. 

                   This is a great website that shows you how to make crackle paint with Elmer's Glue!
This could save a lot of money!

                                              SOURCE                                                                 SOURCE  

What a great idea. I love the frame inside the frame. 

This is great for old vintage photos.                                                              SOURCE
                                                                            This was used for Christmas but you could make any word you wanted. Maybe LOVE for upcoming Valentines

Well, there you have it. These are a few of my favorite ideas for frames. There are sooooo many more I want to add but this will give you a good start. Go to your local Thrift Store and grab some of those wonderful frames for so much cheaper and make something beautiful!



  1. I really really love this site! It looks Simple but Elegant design for me .. Very brilliant Idea .. I am Interested so please inform me and update me for your next design I hope that you will have design for Television Mirror . Thank your very much :) ! Cheers .

  2. Where does a person find those small black clips that would hold a photo, or hold the glass covering the photo, as in the wood plank photo boards?

  3. Photo Canvas Collage prints are the ideal way to display lots of your stunning images without buying masses of bulky picture frames or cluttering up the house. With the use of smartphones and readily available digital cameras, we have become a nation of amateur photographers, using Instagram to capture our favourite moments. Out of this we now have some incredible photographs we are sure to treasure forever; the problem is there are just too many of them, making the task almost impossible when
    choosing images to display in our homes

  4. The blog seems to share interesting tips photo frame online Keep sharing such blogs.


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